Page 15 - SALVADOR RESILIENTE S- INGLÊS novo com capa.indd
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he Resilience Strategy for Salvador presents long-term planning by stablishing initiatives
                              and public policies that feature resilience as their core value to generate dividends for
                              multiple aspects in the city. This work is guided by the public spirit of building an inclu-
                              sive, equalitarian, modern and innovative city – and a legacy for future generations. This
                              Strategy was built upon co-creation among the City Hall of Salvador’s undersecretaries,
                              bodies and boards; private sector, trade and industry representative bodies, start-ups,
                              investors and academia; communities of several neighborhoods, local and international
                              non-governmental organizations; consultants and scholars from Brazil and all over the
                              world, and in partnerships with cities from five continents.

                              The work was based on a set of existing studies, including Strategic Planning 2013-2016
                              and 2017-2020, the Salvador 360 Program, and preparatory studies of the Urban Deve-
                              lopment Master Plan (PDDU 2016). It also included sector plans and policies such as the
                              Sustainable Mobility Plan (PlanMob), the City Policy for Environment and Sustainable De-
                              velopment (Law 8,915/2015), and policies still under construction, such as the City Plan
                              for Culture, the City Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, the City Plan for
                              Sanitation, among other initiatives.

                              Due to the need of keeping itself up to date and pertinent to the everchanging urban
                              context, the Resilience Strategy aims to be a live, collaborative and flexible document,
                              which does not have to end at the last page of this document. It is actually presented as
                              a foundation for thinking about an integrated, sustainable, innovative and resilient city.

                              Firstly, this document presents the vision for a Resilient Salvador. Then, it features the
                              city’s profile based on economic and demographic data in order to picture its current
                              context. Later on, we present the 100 Resilient Cities Program, led by the Rockefeller
                              Foundation, and show how Salvador was selected for the Program. The methodology
                              for building the Strategy has been divided in phases 1 and 2 and it is described in detail,
                              showing all the collaborative process. The Strategy’s core presents the initiatives and
                              specific goals of each one of the five Pillars (Culture and Multiple Identities; An Engaged
                              and Healthy Community, A Diverse and Inclusive Economy; A Knowledgeable City and
                              Innovative Governance, Sustainable Urban Transformation). These Pillars also include ac-
                              tions based on resilience values, and that are envisaged on both 2017-2020 Strategic
                              Planning and Salvador 360 Program.
 INTRODUCTION                 Finally, we present the steps to implement the initiatives, as well as the monitoring pro-

                              cess of their evolution.

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